Liebe Urbanisten!
Wir laden euch herzlich ein uns einen Brief zu schreiben! Einen Brief, in dem ihr eure Gedanken und Gefühle über eine Stadt beschreibt, in der ihr gelebt habt, noch lebt oder die euch besonders in Erinnerung geblieben ist.
Nähere Informationen über unser Projekt, die Idee dahinter und das Ziel erfahrt ihr unter
Wir freuen uns über zahlreiche Briefsendungen – per Post oder E-Mail!
‚urbanofeel‘ co-op
Dear urbanists!
We kindly would like to invite you to participate in our geographic survey based on feelings and experiences that you have in your city. This is as easy as writing a letter!
Write a handwritten or digital letter describing the city you live in. How does your urban environment look like? How does it feel?
We are interested in your sensual experiences of the area you live in or of a place that you can intensively remember. What do you regard as joyful places or places of fear? What sticks intensively in your mind?
Please, do not hesitate to add to it sketches, pictures or other footage to illustrate your description. For further information take a look at:
Great thanks in advance for your participation! We look forward to hearing from you!
‚urbanofeel‘ co-op